Why Us
Who We Are
For over 40 years, Englander Fischer’s accomplished team of skilled litigators and sophisticated business lawyers have been delivering superior results for businesses of all sizes in a wide variety of complex litigation and transactional matters. Our clients’ goals are our goals, and we respond to each matter with personalized, cost-effective solutions.
Our firm delivers the shared knowledge of years of business litigation and transactional experience to every client. From the top down, our firm utilizes the most tried and true best practices that are suited for each unique case.
Our Approach
Our lawyers confidently shepherd cases through pleadings, discovery, mediation, trial and appellate processes. Because business disputes are financially draining, we always explore and work toward resolution whenever possible. Better than 90% of our cases are settled before trial. In every case, we tailor our strategy according to our clients’ needs and actively discuss and pursue ways to resolve a claim as soon and as often as possible.
Our firm is committed to four non-negotiable cultural practices: Quality Work, Collegiality, Respect and Courageous Professionalism.
quality work
Courageous Professionalism
Recognized By

Community Involvement
Since its inception, Englander Fischer has played a leading role in the Tampa Bay community. From participating in community projects to volunteering at local charities or presiding over non-profit organizational boards, the Englander Fischer team takes great pride in helping build our community through professional expertise, leadership and, sometimes, just good old-fashioned hard work.